“Many of our adult learners lack the basic skills to succeed in employment programs,” said Elaine Yamamoto of the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Katzie Community Literacy Committee, which operates the Learning Room. “They need
The Learning Room is located inside the CEED Centre on lower 223rd Street in Maple Ridge. “The CEED Centre partners with the Community Literacy Committee to make these services locally available,” affirmed Wendy Rairdan, CEED Centre president. “We will be administering the grant for the Committee, formed by representatives of the many organizations looking after literacy issues in our communities. The funds will also be directed toward increasing access to housing, employment and financial services, a major focus of the Vancity Community Project Grants.
“People want to get their lives on track, find work, and improve their financial situation,” declared Yamamoto. “The Learning Room is a welcoming first stop for anyone who needs help and guidance toward their goals. It is a bright, separate room inside the CEED Centre in an economically and socially challenged neighbourhood of downtown Maple Ridge, and within walking distance of federal and provincial service centres.”
The Learning Room is open Tuesday to Thursday, 9:00 am to 12 noon, and by appointment. Anyone can drop by to learn about a host of services, including referrals to local programs, free computer and Internet use, and help with tax forms, paperwork, reading, writing or math. They can also take advantage of programs targeting pre-employment skills.
Submitted by Christian