The Blue Door Society's plan is to set up a five bedroom home for teens in need of long-term housing, and provide outreach services for other unhoused or at-risk youth. Unlike emergency shelter programs that take in youth aged 13-18 for up to 30 days, the Blue Door Society intends to provide stable housing for longer periods of time. Staff will be limited to five individuals so that residents have consistent mentors on whom they can rely. In short, the Blue Door Society hopes to create a home rather than a house.
Until it secures long-term funding through a senior government agency, the Blue Door Society is seeking grant funding and donations to pay its house rental and staff costs, and purchase food and other resources these youth will require. The Blue Door Society plans to open its doors once sufficient funds are pledged for the first year of operation. That’'s how the CEED Centre Society is lending a hand. As a registered charity, it can apply for and administer grants. The CEED Centre Society will act as the Blue Door's fiscal sponsor until it achieves registered charity status, which might take a few months or years.
The CEED Centre is also interested in opening its doors to the Blue Door project team over the summer so that young people have a safe place to take part in fun activities. The youth will contribute to planning and implementing these activities, which might take the form of volunteering with local environmental agencies or producing videos on topics chosen by the youths. At the end of the day, both the CEED Centre Society and the Blue Door Society hope to improve the chances for these young people to have a strong sense of belonging, self-direction, and self-confidence to move forward in their lives as young adults.
If you are interested in contributing toward the Blue Door Youth Housing project, please contact Teesha Sharma through the CEED Centre email or by calling (604) 463-2229.