These famous words from the Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge teach us to treat nature properly or suffer the consequences. The unfortunate sailor that killed the albatross in the poem was accused of sealing the fate of his shipmates by his actions. The metaphor cuts all too closely for comfort to our present circumstances. If we allow our rivers, streams and watercourses to be degraded for economic gain as recent legislative changes permit, we risk our own health and happiness into the future. I am happy to say, however, that the Watershed Watch Salmon Society is working to bring awareness to us about these issues. And they have chosen Art as a means of reminding us just how important our water is. On March 22, 2014,

Our Home Waters
Saturday, March 22, 2014
1-4 pm
River's Heritage Center
24959 Alouette Road, Allco Park (off 248/249 St)