Photos courtesy of: Haney Horsemen Assoc., Whonnock Community Website, Maple Ridge Times, District of Maple Ridge
Thornhill Aquifer Protection & Awareness Project
About TAPS
The Thornhill Aquifer Protection Study (TAPS) is a project involving residents of the Thornhill, or Grant Hill, area of Maple Ridge, B.C. TAPS was started by Betty and Klaus von Hardenberg, who live and make a livelihood growing plants and produce on the hill. Area residents depend upon groundwater and septic systems for their drinking water and waste water treatment. The TAPS participants have conducted annual water quality and quantity tests since 2006 at their own expense to establish baseline data for the aquifer. And they have educated the community on the recommended procedures for operating wells and septic systems, groundwater management, securing wells and operating septic systems. An educational website can be found here.
About the Grant Hill Aquifer
The Grant Hill (Thornhill Aquifer) is one of three bedrock aquifers in the Fraser Valley. The thin soil cover over this bedrock aquifer classifies it as highly vulnerable to contamination. The majority of the recharge for the aquifer is supplied by a 100-plus year old native tree canopy, which is found on the upper third of Grant Hill. This recharge area captures, filters and slowly releases rainwater into the bedrock aquifer providing clean drinking water for Thornhill residents, who use it for domestic and agricultural uses. There are more than 400 active wells on the hill, including both shallow and deep (75+m) drilled wells. Unsecured wellheads pose a risk of contamination to the aquifer because they are a direct pipe into the groundwater.
TAPS Achievements
About Thornhill
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The Thornhill Aquifer Protection Study (TAPS) is a project involving residents of the Thornhill, or Grant Hill, area of Maple Ridge, B.C. TAPS was started by Betty and Klaus von Hardenberg, who live and make a livelihood growing plants and produce on the hill. Area residents depend upon groundwater and septic systems for their drinking water and waste water treatment. The TAPS participants have conducted annual water quality and quantity tests since 2006 at their own expense to establish baseline data for the aquifer. And they have educated the community on the recommended procedures for operating wells and septic systems, groundwater management, securing wells and operating septic systems. An educational website can be found here.
About the Grant Hill Aquifer
The Grant Hill (Thornhill Aquifer) is one of three bedrock aquifers in the Fraser Valley. The thin soil cover over this bedrock aquifer classifies it as highly vulnerable to contamination. The majority of the recharge for the aquifer is supplied by a 100-plus year old native tree canopy, which is found on the upper third of Grant Hill. This recharge area captures, filters and slowly releases rainwater into the bedrock aquifer providing clean drinking water for Thornhill residents, who use it for domestic and agricultural uses. There are more than 400 active wells on the hill, including both shallow and deep (75+m) drilled wells. Unsecured wellheads pose a risk of contamination to the aquifer because they are a direct pipe into the groundwater.
TAPS Achievements
- TAPS was instrumental in having 14 conditions included in the 2006 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan (OCP) requiring fulfillment before development can occur on Grant Hill ( Thornhill)
- Measured baseline data on 20 wells since 2006
- Purchased a deep-well measuring instrument to monitor water quantity
- Emplaced aquifer awareness signs
- Hosted information sessions on well and septic system management
- Hosted the Well Owners Workshop 2013 ( Collaboration with Ministry of Environment)
- Consulted on City of Maple Ridge Environmental Management Strategy draft plans
- Hosted a Prescription and Nonprescription Waste Collection Day
- Hosted a Hazardous Waste Collection Day
- Served as an information and referral source about groundwater issues for the public
About Thornhill
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